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Fluid Employment

Sam Lewitt
Galerie Bucholz
Artists' Books
19.3 × 24.5 × 1 cm

Fluid Employment extends the artist’s analysis of physical and linguistic concatenations of materials and signs which organize everyday experience. The book includes a thirty-nine page frontispiece dealing with the ossified remnants and shifting lexicon of Fluid Employment —a work that takes the form of a disposable, self-contained and unsustainable evaporation system for a magnetic fluid used in a myriad of manufacturing applications, cheap fans and industrial magnets.

Art historian Alex Kitnick and philosopher Nathan Brown reflect on Lewitt’s complication of conventions of informational display, the materiality of literacy and the politics of contradiction.

Designed by Joseph Logan & Sam Lewitt, assisted by Rachel Hudson.

With contributions by Alex Kitnick and Nathan Brown.

  1. Fluid Employment

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