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The Adventures of Nar Duell in Second Life: Pill Flower World

Artists' Books
16.5 × 25.5 cm

In this series, the artist chronicles her real time interaction within the virtual community of Second Life in a ‘Comix’ style treatment. Heller captures images of her virtual avatar, named Nar Duell, as she travels through a virtual world that includes images of her own photographic and sculptural work to further the narrative. Furthermore, shopping in Second Life, also known as found object, movement and captured machinima, becomes a principle strategy for art making and performance. By taking on an avatar, Heller explores the narcissistic relationship that people often develop with the portraits they create or commission of themselves, whether static photograph or scripted avatar. The creation and relationship to one’s avatar ‘portrait’ in Second Life is all encompassing. People lavish time and money in order to represent themselves, but the disconnect from reality is unavoidable and obvious.

The Adventures of Nar Duell in Second Life ­ Pillflower World

This epic introduces Nar Duell and features images of Heller’s ongoing installation, Pillflower Project, which is composed of colourful pill and tablet medicinals manipulated into a multitude of flower patters that cover domestic objects.

Edition of 99. Signed and numbered by artist.

  1. The Adventures of Nar Duell in Second Life: Pill Flower World

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