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America Sutra

Amit Desai
Stephen Cheng
Artists' Books
20.5 × 20 × 11 cm

After September 11, 2001, Amit Desai hit the road in America with a camera and a bag of film. Starting on Route 95, heading south, he spent the next ten years photographing what he saw as the American dream. He searched high and low, from trailer parks to penthouse apartments, from the Catskill Mountains to the coastline of California. He slept on floors, couches and on the ground as a guest of all the people he met along the way. Amit traveled back and forth across the 50 states many times over. He kept diaries, wrote stories and songs, and took pictures. The result is America Sutra, a portrait of the American dream made on the road between the years of 2001 – 2012. America Sutra is divided into seven parts:

I The Young & The Old

II After the Fall

III Love is a Photographer

IV Paradise Park

V Time Code

VI White Mountain

VII United States

America Sutra has been collected into a seven volume box set and will be available again soon online and in select stores.

  1. America Sutra

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