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and . learning english has no use

Bernhard Cella
Bernhard Cella / Hotel Ostblick
Artists' Books
23.5 × 33.5 × 1 cm

Among the subjects in this new artist book topics include, among other voucher systems, the collegiality among artists, washed over the art market black money, only children, the economy as the only benchmark in the art world, peer pressure,

Clan obligations, a bridge over the Yangtze River, fought, interest, speechless, visual exchange, hour-long taxi rides to branches of the University, to render assistance as a non-criminal offense, pessimism towards humanity, China as a complex, but empty transmission and isolation and obscurity.

“A conversation development was actually impossible. I went to the Far East and have tried to explain to me with the local culture. It’s as if you some subway stations gets out later than usual. In the environment where I come from I build model-situations, singular leeway. Strictly speaking Chinese artists appear more modern than we in the West. Most are able to exchange themselves, they are strictly pragmatic and take their role as an artist seriously. The document provoked an encounter with the means of art. “(B. Cella)

  1. and . learning english has no use

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