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Carousel Magazine Issue 34

Canadian, Contemporary Art, Literary, Comics & Graphic Novels, Interview, Poetry, Illustration


Shannon Anderson looks at the work of rising art star Daniel Arsham and his Snarkitecture collaboration.
Emily Fitzpatrick interviews Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist Adam David Brown.
Mark Laliberte interviews Argentine cartoon-minimalist Pablo Holmberg and we present nine exclusive English translations of strips from Holmberg’s darkly romantic Eden project.
Jim Johnstone offers up ‘a survey of Canadian micropresses’, highlighting six of Canada’s most diverse small-scale publishers: The Alfred Gustav Press, Baseline Press, Ferno House, Jackpine Press, Junction Books and Thee Hellbox Press.

Plus, sixteen new strips for the 4PANEL experimental comics section by Derik A Badman, Christian Bök, Mark Connery, d.w., Jessica Fortner, Christopher Green, Jesse Jacobs, Drazen Kozjan, Mark Laliberte, Aaron Linton, Billy Mavreas, Andrei Molotiu, Marc Ngui, Ethan Rilly, Anuj Shrestha and Tin Can Forest.

+ Poetry, Fiction and Art by: Kemeny Babineau, Kim Fu, Laird Kay, Ruth Marten, Michael Morris, Jason Paradiso, Matt Rader, jp Rodriguez, Daniel Guy Tremblay and Blair Trewartha

• 80pgs | perfect-bound w/ bleeds

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