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Water, Kinship, Belief

AA Bronson, Abbas Akhavan, Abel Rodríguez, Adrian Blackwell, Adrian Stimson, Aki Onda, Althea Thauberger, Kite, Amy Malbeuf, Andrea Carlson, Ange Loft, Arin Rungjang, Augustas Serapinas, Aycoobo, Bárbara Wagner, Benjamin de Burca, Brian Jungen, Caecilia Tripp, Camille Turner, Caroline Monnet, Curtis Talwst Santiago, Dana Claxton, Dana Prieto, Denyse Thomasos, Eduardo Navarro, Elder Duke Redbird, Embassy of Imagination, PA System, Eric-Paul Riege, Fernando Palma Rodríguez, Ghazaleh Avarzamani, Hajra Waheed, Hera Büyüktaşcıyan, ᐃᓱᒪ / Isuma, Jae Jarrell, ᔭᓇ ᑭᒍᓯᐊ / Janet Kigusiuq, Jeffrey Gibson, ᔨᐊᓯ ᐅᓈᖅ / Jessie Oonark, Joar Nango, Judy Chicago, Jumana Manna, Kapwani Kiwanga, Laurent Grasso, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Lisa Reihana, Lisa Steele, Kim Tomczak, Lou Sheppard, Luis Jacob, Mata Aho Collective, Marguerite Humeau, Maria Thereza Alves, Moyra Davey, Nadia Belerique, ᓇᐸᓯ ᐳᑐᒍᖅ / Napachie Pootoogook, Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa, New Mineral Collective, New Red Order, Nick Sikkuark, Paul Pfeiffer, Qavavau Manumie, Ramin Haerizadeh, Rokni Haerizadeh, Hesam Rahmanian, ReMatriate Collective, Shezad Dawood, Susan Schuppli, Syrus Marcus Ware, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Tsēmā Igharas, Erin Siddall, ᕕᐃᑎᕋᐊ ᒪᒍᓯᐊᓗ / Victoria Mamnguqsualuk, and Waqas Khan
Candice Hopkins, Katie Lawson, and Tairone Bastien
Adrian Blackwell, Ange Loft, Camille Georgeson-Usher, Camille Turner, Candice Hopkins, Charles Stankievech, Chiedza Pasipanodya, Ilana Shamoon, Katie Lawson, Melony Ward, Patrizia Libralato, Sebastian De Line, Susannah Rosenstock, Tairone Bastien, and Yaniya Lee
Toronto Biennial of Art + Art Metropole
20.5 × 27 cm
480 pp
Contemporary Art, Environment, Canadian, Indigenous Art & Artists, Available for Wholesale

The inaugural Toronto Biennial of Art in 2019, titled The Shoreline Dilemma, was the first edition of a two-part biennial that traced interconnected narratives around the city’s ever-changing shoreline. These connections sought to reveal strategies of resistance against industrial-colonial systems, uncover polyphonic histories sedimented around the shoreline, and open up relations between the human and more-than-human. To extend this artistic thinking and expand notions of relationality, in 2022, the second edition, titled What Water Knows, The Land Remembers, moves inland to follow tributaries and ravines, both above ground and hidden, that shape this place.

In relation to the two Biennial exhibitions, this publication Water, Kinship, Belief is a “third” site, a place where the continuities, resonances, and dissonances between Biennial editions are extended. Its pages become a means to bring together the artists, artworks, collaborators, and ideas that have together informed the exhibitions, irrespective of chronology, dispensing with categories, and part of a greater whole. Through its content and unique design, it is both a generative guide to the exhibitions and a Biennial site of its own, presenting new artistic relations that course through the book like tributaries.

Water, Kinship, Belief is co-published by the Toronto Biennial of Art and Art Metropole and edited by Candice Hopkins, Katie Lawson, and Tairone Bastien, exhibition curators for the first two editions of the Biennial. Book design by Santiago da Silva and Sean Yendrys.

  1. Water, Kinship, Belief
  2. Water, Kinship, Belief
  3. Water, Kinship, Belief
  4. Water, Kinship, Belief

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