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Where Curating Is: the artist-as-curator and the curator-as-artist in Ukraine from the 1980s to the 2010s

Kateryna Nosko and Valeriya Luk’yanets
Ist Publishing
16.5 × 23 cm
243 pp
Curating, Contemporary Art

This volume collects essays and interviews covering a range of issues on curating in a Ukrainian context. The texts emerged from discussions between author-compilers Kateryna Nosko and Valeriya Luk’yanets and curators and artists from various Ukrainian cities. The aim is to show the peculiarities of curating from the perspective of the artist-as-curator, but without ignoring its counterpart, the curator-as-artist. Each of these perspectives forms the basis for one of the book’s three parts. The third part describes the relationships between the institutions, art unions, exhibition projects, etc., mentioned in the texts. Many of the visual materials are being published here for the first time.

  1. Where Curating Is

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