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Touch, and Tender Readings. Books as Archives.

Small Walker Press
Artists' Books
ISBN 978-1-990208-30-0
15 × 21 × 0.5 cm
48 pp
Books on Books

Two artists – Brandon LaBelle and Annette le Fort – visit their local public library, check out a few books, keep these for a few days then return them. The text and black-and-white photographs included in Touch, and Tender Readings. Books As Archives document this trip to the library. They evoke a sensory experience – tactile, visual, and olfactive – and a meditative performance – walking through the stacks, touching book covers, turning the pages of a book. LaBelle and le Fort present the library as an organic space and the destination of an intellectual and sensuous journey during which thoughts expand quickly beyond the books displayed on the shelves.

  1. touch and tender 01
  2. touch and tender 02

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