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Report to the European Economic Community on the feasibility of founding a 'Free International University for Creativity and Interdisciplinary Research' in Dublin

Free University Press
Artists' Books
20.5 × 32.5 × 0.5 cm

Text by Caroline Tisdall. Explains her ideas, shared by Beuys, for the founding and development of a research and educational facility in Dublin as well as the artist’s views on social and educational structure in general.

Prof. Caroline Tisdall was feature writer for The Guardian in the 1970s when she began working with Joseph Beuys.

She has published seven books on Joseph Beuys and worked with him to organise many of his major exhibitions including ‘The Secret Block for a Secret Person in Ireland’ (MOMA, Oxford 1974; ICA, London,1974; MOMA, Edinburgh, 1974; Ulster Museum, Belfast, 1974; Municipal museum of Modern art, Dublin, 1974) and his major retrospective at the Guggenheim in New York in 1979.

Signed and stamped by Joseph Beuys

  1. Report to the European Economic Community on the feasibility of

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