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Daily Paper

Felix Kalmenson
self published
Artists' Books
Envelope & Paper
25 × 33 × 0.2 cm

1 paper printed every day as a part of Conversations, a time-based installation work by Felix Kalmenson presented as part of The Archivists group show at Xpace, Toronto, curated by Cameron Lee. Conversations consisted of a dot matrix printer mounted on an apparatus which printed on an 11 page loop of paper. The printer was set to print one of 24 news sources every hour on the hour for the duration of the show. The news sources were determined by culling the list of most trusted news sources from and including ones from the artists preference. The resultant effect is a scroll of obfuscation, the accumulation of daily events rendered illegible. Conversations is ultimately a failed attempt at archiving the present and an acknowledgment of our inability to objectively represent the complex events of daily life.

  1. Daily Paper

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