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Black Market

Oliver Chanarin and Adam Broomberg
Chopped Liver Press
Artists' Books
15.5 × 21.5 × 1.5 cm

Black Market has been selected by Le Monde as one of the best Photography Books of 2012. Black Market takes its name from the eponymous film Al Suq al Soda, or Black Market. Directed by the surrealist painter-turned-filmmaker Kamel el-Telmissany, the film was banned shortly after its release in Egypt in 1945, and has since all but disappeared. What is more, this rare copy of the film, a recording from television, has been partially erased by another film – an unknown porno probably made in the 1970s or 80s. The two films share the same strip of magnetic tape, but sit uncomfortably together and transmit inverse aesthetic, moral and political positions.

  1. Black Market

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