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Noghwhere Bodili is Everywhere Goostly

Jason De Haan
Artists' Books
17 × 25 × 2 cm
163 pages

This is a comprehensive and revealing monograph of multidisciplinary artist Jason de Haan. Jason de Haan has made a name for himself with sculptures, collages, installations and public projects that engage time, especially the long-scale perception of time. Like Duchamp, his goal is to make an art that signifies more than just its three dimensions. Two of de Haan’s larger works New Jerusalem (2010) and New Jerusalem, Cloud Shrouded (2012) embody the artist’s approach as they push the viewer to envisage time on a broader, geological scale. Titled after the post-apocalyptic ‘City of God’, New Jerusalem is a dizzying cityscape of glass domes and crystal towers populated with monuments of omniscient eyeballs and spacecraft. Its counterpart, New Jerusalem, Cloud Shrouded, is a veritable colour wheel of cloudscapes, void of any signs of life. Together the effect is one of ambiguity; which is our future and which is our past?

  1. Noghwhere Bodili is Everywhere Goostly
  2. Noghwhere Bodili is Everywhere Goostly

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