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Herein Lie the Sleep Sick

Pranav Behari
Jason De Haan
Miruna Dragan, Clint Roenisch, Peter Cox, and Toni Hafkenscheid
Artists' Books
15.5 × 27.5 cm
64 pp
Poetry, Photography

Text by Pranav Behari
Photography by Jason de Haan, Miruna Dragan, Clint Roenisch, Peter Cox, and Toni Hafkenscheid

Featuring poetry by Pranav Behari, HEREIN LIE THE SLEEP SICK is Jason de Haan’s artist book designed to accompany his ambitious mid-career retrospective at Esker Foundation, Oh for eyes! At night we dream of eyes!

soft cover,colour and black and white, edition of 500

  1. sleepsick cover

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