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Art Always has Its Consequences: Artists’ Texts from Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia 1947–2009

Sternberg Press
Artists' Books
14 × 18 × 2 cm

This publication is a collection of manifestos, critical texts, and writings addressing public issues written by artists and artist groups from Eastern Europe between 1947 and 2009. The reader is result of an international curatorial research collaboration of four organizations: What, How and for Whom/WHW, Croatia; New Media, Serbia; Museum Sztuki in Lodz; and

Texts by New Media Center_kuda. org, Dora Hegyi, Zsuzsa Laszlo, Katarzyna Sloboda, What How and for Whom/WHW (Ivet Curlin, Ana Devic, Natasa Ilic, Sabina Sabolovic), Magdalena Ziolkowska, Mladen Stilinovic, Artur Zmijewski and many others.

  1. Art Always has Its Consequences: Artists’ Texts from Croatia, Hu

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