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Highly Important Jewels & Distinctive Fur Fashions

Ofer Wolberger
Horses Think Press
Artists' Books
16.5 × 23 × 0.4 cm

Artist book by Ofer Wolberger.

“The intuition that wealth in itself does not confer much importance or worth is best expressed in those cases where the culture of the very rich has thoughtlessly drifted beyond all bounds of tastefulness or utility. The inherent silliness of these deliciously unimportant baubles has been rendered to even greater heights of pathos by arranging them as simple, humbly affecting faces. The catalog photos of furs which accompany these jewels need no such amplification, as the excessiveness of the coats designs and their models’ poses betray a wonderfully willful heedlessness to the world around them.”

- Printed Matter

  1. Highly Important Jewels & Distinctive Fur Fashions

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