The stories behind the things, the language between them – but the two perspectives of the Kolner artist Alexander Basile appreciates not pursued as an ideology. His photos convey the impression that he always prints only on the shutter release when compacted before his eye on things and their social registration of a possible sculpture. It Basile creates new realities, which are volatile and obey their own image, and random unwritten laws. In his paintings take things in a relationship that goes directly available via the Graphic Organizer. Their poetic power requested by the viewer a glimpse of swinging decrypts the layers of the image to the mystery behind the visible to get on the track. Seemingly random gegenständliche everyday constellations give it more to think, may be taken as linguistically.
Been prepared by the spontaneous Publishing book “Emerging Sculptures” bundelt 20 Photographer ien consider the gegenständliche groupings items are excluded, space and surfaces a. Their random arrangement evokes stories for each newly writes in the eye of the motifs. All forms are to be seen by chance and yet convey eternal. The images document the distribution of a random room and the placement of things in it. Those go to a mysterious correspondence, and become objects of art in a space whose boundaries are blurred and content. None of the motifs was knowingly formed. Everything was born from the impulse of the moment in which, the artist saw a flash of his existence in space and the disclosure in photographically captured spontaneously. Found objects merge allows the countless interpretations and waives unambiguities in the angle of perspective into a narrative. For Basile is the image of the distillate an atmosphere, the spurt of the artists and not arranged before the shutter release betätigt. A technique which is not, the character mäandernder always progressing and moving subjects from the continuum of empirical reality fishes in order to fix something unique. In the book edition, the still lifes and sculptures of everyday hauchdünnem parchment paper be separated. The Browse itself so makes visible the unveiling of a roving gaze of the interplay between art and life.
The artist himself, however, sought no visualization of a genuine work of art. Rather, a non-constructed visual idea that adds to the viewer through his visual vocabulary and his own knowledge to something whose meaning flashes only in him. It always remains unclear whether the recordings are documents of everyday life or to meticulously shaped structures made of a studio. That interplay is for Basile only way to make the photograph further markings for “. Only if it is able to move, even if only in the eye of the beholder, the monument Let placed on paper, use the frame and behind glass even as a theoretical possibility of communication. “