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Mousse #41, December 2013 - January 2014

Mousse Publishing
26.5 × 37.5 × 0.7 cm

In this issue:

On Purpose and Urgency: Cory Arcangel, Defne Ayas, Angie Keefer, Adam Kleinman, David Levine, Chus Martínez, Seth Price, João Ribas, Carey Young, Akram Zaatari; On Art and the Distributed Spectacle, Kevin Beasley, Caleb Considine, On Cooperation, Thomas Eggerer, GCC, hobbypopMUSEUM, Christina Mackie, Steve McQueen, Alan Moore, Jon Pestoni, Pots on Video, Charles Ray, Tabor Robak, The Artist as Curator, Luke Willis Thompson, The Value of Art Criticism, Dena Yago

THE ARTIST AS CURATOR is a serial publication debuting in this issue*. Every forthcoming issue of Mousse will contain a new examination of the fundamental role artists have played as curators, from the postwar period to the present. The series is edited by Elena Filipovic and made possible by an engaged group of art institutions and foundations, each of which is supporting the research and publication of one installment of the project. WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels has supported the introductory installment, When Exhibitions Become Form: On the History of the Artist as Curator, which inaugurates this two-year unprecedented investigation.

The expansion of art world networks, along with the pressures of social and professional obligations, can lead critics to opt for a more consensus-driven approach to cultural criticism. Vivian Sky Rehberg advocates independent voices.

Often indicated as the best graphic novelist of all time, Alan Moore, the anarchic author of Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and From Hell, met with Hans Ulrich Obrist to talk about complex narratives and the heat of information.

Traditional crafts reflect a refreshing lack of alienation in the relationship between makers and materials. But as Nick Currie argues here, there’s more than mere moral and political virtue to images of pot-making on film and video…

What formats, approaches, structures or models can be said to be most pressing or needed, or to be grounded by a sense of purpose, beyond the ongoing circulation of contemporary art? Mousse—via curator João Ribas—asked a group of artists, writers and curators to address what issues of purpose and urgency might define current conditions:

–Chus Martínez on El Museo del Barrio’s life in the long tail

–Cory Arcangel on Espenschied and Lialina’s project One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age

–Angie Keefer on desiring what is needed

–Akram Zaatari on practicing multiple writings of history

–Defne Ayas on the challenges of the current conditions of production

–Seth Price on the anxieties of intellectual trends

–David Levine on avoiding designation

–Adam Kleinman on the headless nature of our system

–Carey Young on law as an artistic medium

What has happened to the relationship between art and popular culture as media have evolved over the past few decades? Lauren Cornell and Ed Halter confront the question with a discussion on spectacle, celebrity, and art on the verge of dissolving into mass culture.

Jens Hoff

  1. Mousse #41, December 2013 - January 2014

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