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Sternberg Press
Artists' Books
8.3 × 12.3 in
190 pages

Artists’ book Aftershow engages and brilliantly captures the recent film installations of the gender-neutral artist duo Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz following their 2013 exhibition Patriarchal Poetry at the Badischer Kunstverein. Research material, scripts, film stills, and installation shots provide insight into the artists’ investigation of performance in film and their dense net of references to experimental film, the history of photography, sound and underground (drag) performances. The book’s title alludes to an interest in events that are belated, left backstage or off-screen. A number of (fictitious) letters to friends and collaborators such as Sharon Hayes, Yvonne Rainer, Ginger Brooks-Takahashi and Jack Smith are also included and place the work of Boudry & Lorenz in a context of debates around temporalities, activism, the archival, decolonizing practices, and queer histories.

  1. aftershow

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