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The Reluctant Narrator: A Survey of Narrative Practices across Media

Sternberg Press
Artists' Books
6.5 × 9.5 in
136 pages

The explosion of interest in narrative practices since the end of the 20th century is predicated on the notion that life is storied, and the idea—as Jacques Ranciere put it—that the real must be fictionalized in order to be thought. Displacing the symbolic unity of high modernism, postmodernism rekindled an interest in the fictive, the chronicle and the anecdotal. Treating these two positions as poles of a recurring movement, The Reluctant Narrator surveys works that intertwine personal biography, historical events and stories that fell through the crevices of history, mapping narrative modes as they migrate across media. Co-published with the Museu Coleção Berardo, the exhibition catalog includes visual and textual narratives by 18 artists and writers including Kader Attia, Karl Holmqvist, Christoph Keller, Bojan Šarcevic, Hito Steyerl and others. With contributions by Erika Balsom, Sladja Blazan, Kerstin Stakemeier and Ana Teixeira Pinto.

  1. The Reluctant Narrator

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