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Hot Pants in a Cold Cold World

Meg Cranston
20 × 24 × 1.5 cm

Meg Cranston’s work often combines text and imagery from popular culture. With Kippenbergeresque energy and wit, Cranston has been investigating anthropological and physical issues in sculptures, installations, paintings, or drawings. Recent shows have featured, for instance, drawings and sculptures of bad teeth and their imagined physiognomic significance, a large composite photograph of an

average-size American, and a performance about the life of Marvin Gaye…

This substantial 200-page full colour monograph, edited by Brian Butler, includes installation images and texts by Nico Israel, Carole Ann Klonarides, Tirdad Zolghadr, an interview with the artist by Nico Israel and previously published and unpublished writing by the artist.

  1. Hot Pants in a Cold Cold World

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