Known for its rigorous conceptualism and ambitious materiality, the work of Gordon Lebredt is among Canada’s most challenging and gratifying. Alongside Lebredt’s significant record of exhibitions, publications and interventions is a parallel body of unrealized work-a sprawling hypothetical topology of surfaces, abutments, expanses and disjunctions in which words, objects and images struggle to find and mark their place.
Gordon Lebredt: Nonworks 1975-2008 collects Lebredt’s unrealized proposals from a thirty-three-year period —a major retrospective of a body of work that exists only as possibility. Designed and typeset by Lebredt himself, and edited by Lin Gibson, the book contains more than 125 works presented as drawings, schematics and sketches rendered in pencil, ink, spray paint and type, as well as texts by Ian Carr-Harris, Gary Michael Dault, Lin Gibson, Andy Patton, Yvonne Lammerich and Yam Lau and a prologue by David Court and Josh Thorpe.
-Josh Thorpe + David Court