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Communicating the Archive: Physical Migration

The Regional State Archives in Gothenburg
Artists' Books
15.6 × 22.9 × 0.5 cm

Edited by Karl-Magnus Johansson, Gluey-C

Works and texts by Ida Lehtonen, Lisa Ehlin, Sandra Rafman, Kari Altmann, Jon rafman,

Michael Shanks, Artie Vierkant and Karl-Magnus Johansson (ed.)

There is no offline space. Or at least the experience of the Internet so deeply affects media

users today that it influences their perspectives of the world outside the Web. This situation

has been described as post-Internet, a term that has loosely emerged as an approach within

contemporary art, defined by the social and technological conditions of networked society.

The Regional State Archives in Gothenburg invited the artist Ida Lehtonen to let her artistic

practice encounter the archives. In Communicating the Archive: Physical Migration,

Lehtonen’s work is presented and examined from an archival and media archaeological

standpoint. Somewhat disregarding traditional archival values such as preservation, security

and authenticity, this volume reconsiders the archive post-Internet through contributions from

scholars and practitioners of diverse fields: art, psychology, digital culture, archaeology and



Ida Lehtonen is an artist and curator born in Turku, Finland. She holds a BFA from the School

of Photography, University of Gothenburg. The main focus of her research is our relationships

with machines; how new technology shapes us, our bodies and the outside world.

Lisa Ehlin is a PhD student in Fashion Studies, connected to a research school in Cultural

History at Stockholm University. Her research centres on the process, practice and experience

of the digital image in contemporary digital culture.

Sandra Rafman, PhD, is a developmental and clinical psychologist at the McGill University

Health Centre and at l’Université du Québec à Montréal. She has a longstanding interest in

the relation of psychology, philosophy and art. Her writings include narrative representations

of the experience of loss, children’s notions of justice and forgiveness and the construction of

self in complex political environments following trauma and moral disruption.

Kari Altmann is an American cloud-based artist currently stationed in New York with a BFA

from MICA. She is an ongoing participant in both online and offline countercultures, and a

consistently conceptual superuser of social media. Her work is often focused on cultural

technology and the back-end processes that shape today’s meta awareness of content, brands,

memes, and products.

Jon Rafman is an artist, filmmaker, and essayist born in Montreal. He received his MFA from

the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and has exhibited at the New Museum, the Palais de

Tokyo, and the Saatchi Gallery. Rafman’s work, inspired by the rich contradictions that

technology presents, has been featured in Modern Painters, Frieze, The New York Times, and


Michael Shanks is a British archaeologist who has specialized in Classic

  1. Communicating the Archive: Physical Migration

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